皮膚科 詹融怡 醫師 (Dr. Jung-Yi Chan)
詹融怡醫師是目前台灣,最有經驗的植髮皮膚專科醫師之一,近三年來,專精致力於,頭髮相關的異常問題。 詹 醫師是台灣第一位兼顧落髮的醫學治療、及植髮手術領域的專家。在台大和國泰醫院的門診,囊括皮膚科和毛髮疾患兩種領域。她目前是台北國泰醫院皮膚科及植髮中心主任。
詹醫師,自她開啟醫師的職涯以來,本著三個主要的專業目標:醫療照護、學術研究及教學。 詹 醫師是台灣第一位,廣泛的結合了醫療和毛髮手術的創始者。她的植髮中心的患者絡繹不絕,也是台灣相當忙碌的植髮中心之一。 詹 醫師的畢業於台灣大學醫學系。於台大皮膚部完 成住院 醫 師及總 醫師的訓練。 詹 醫師和來自全世界的專科醫師,跟著Jerry Shapiro指導教授,在溫哥華的英屬哥倫比亞大學,接受一年臨床毛髮研究員的訓練。同年,她贏得北美毛囊學會的年度獎學金頒獎殊榮,得以和Bosley植髮連鎖中心的Kenneth Washenik醫師一同工作。自溫哥華返台後, 詹 醫師在2010年創立國泰植髮中心。她有興趣及研究的領域包括毛囊的基礎科學、圓禿、瘢痕性落髮、雄性禿、休止期和各種型式的落髮、多毛症、原發型頭皮異常。她有超過20篇期刊著作被刊登(包含有一篇著作在北美皮膚科醫學會期刊)。
詹醫師的病人,都是從台灣各縣市特地來診治。她深獲國際植髮中心的好評與備受重視。她受邀演講,並在國內外會議發表研究成果,於國際和國內的期刊皆有著作。 詹 醫師在電視、報紙、雜誌、廣播和醫藥版面,曝光頻率極高,儼然家喻戶曉的植髮醫師。
Dr. Chan is one of the most experienced hair
dermatologists in Taiwan
and has specialized in hair disorders for the past 3 years. She is the first dermatologist
in Taiwan
to exclusively restrict her practice to both medical hair and scalp disorders
as well as hair transplant surgery. She holds dual academic appointments at the
National Taiwan
University Hospital
and Cathay General Hospital .
She is also the Chief of Department of Dermaology and the Director of the Hair
Transplant Centre in Cathay General Hospital
(website) in Taipei
Dr. Chan’s three main professional goals have always
been, since the start of her career, patient care, research and education.
Dr. Chan is the founder of the first comprehensive integrated medical and
surgical hair clinic in Taiwan .
Her hair clinics are one of the busiest, if not the busiest, in Taiwan . Dr.
Chan received her medical degree from National
Taiwan University
and did her residency training at the National Taiwan
University . She was the
first and the only Taiwanese to receive her fellowship training with Professor
Jerry Shapiro at University of British Columbia in Vancouver and worked with international hair
fellows from all over the world. At that year, She won the award of mentorship
of North American Hair Research Society to work with Dr. Kenneth Washenik in
Bosley Tansplant clinic. After coming back from Vancouver ,
she established the Hair Research and Transplantation Center
in 2010. Her major interests include basic science hair biology, alopecia
areata, cicatricial alopecia, androgenetic alopecia, telogen effluvium, and all
other forms of hair loss as well as hypertrichosis/hirsutism (too much hair in
women) and primary scalp skin disorders. She has published over 15
peer-reviewed papers including a paper in Journal of American Academy of
Dermatology. Patients come from all counties to consult with her in Taiwan .
She is a valued member of North American Hair Research
Society and International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery. Dr. Chan has
been invited to speak and present regularly at national and international
meetings and has published in both international and local medical journals.
She is a familiar face on national television, and often featured on radio and
in numerous health-related publications.
台灣大學醫學系 醫學士(Doctor of Medicine, MD)
國泰綜合醫院 皮膚科 主治醫師
國泰綜合醫院 植髮中心 創始醫師
台大醫院皮膚部 掉髮及植髮特別門診醫師
台灣皮膚科醫學會 頭髮論壇講師
台大醫院皮膚部 總醫師
台大醫院皮膚部 住院醫師
台大醫院外科部 住院醫師
台大醫院/國泰醫院 幹細胞毛囊再生計畫協同主持人
加拿大 英屬哥倫比亞大學 皮膚部 生髮植髮臨床研究員 (2009.7-2010.6)
美國Bosley植髮中心 訓練醫師
國際植髮學會 植髮進階訓練課程
證照 & 專業學會會員資格:
北美毛髮研究學會 生髮及植髮 得獎 (North American Hair Research Society Mentorship Grant for Hair disorders and hair transplantation)
世界皮膚科醫學會(World Congress of Dermatology) 女性雄性禿治療 演講
台灣皮膚科醫學會 禿髮治療 論文發表
國際毛髮研究學會 論文發表
1. 落髮及生髮治療
2 植髮術式之改良
3. 皮膚雷射光電
4. 微整型注射治療
學術論文 (*通訊作者)
1. Lee BS, Jung-Yi Chan, Monselise A, McElwee K, Shapiro J. Assessment of hair density and caliber in Caucasian and Asian female subjects with female pattern hair loss by using the Folliscope. Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology 66(1): 166-167, 2012. (IF 4.274)
2. A Monselise, Jung-Yi Chan, J Shapiro. Break dancing: a new risk factor for scarring hair loss. Journal of Cutaenous Medicine and Surgery 15(3):177-179, 2011. (IF 1.165)
3. Tsung-Ming Tsai, Yu-Hung Wu, Kuo-Chia Yang, Chia-Yi Yang, Tsung-Hua Tsai, Jung-Yi Chan*. Sebaceous carcinoma associated with seborrheic keratosis. Journal of Cutaenous Medicine and Surgery 14(5):240-244, 2010. (IF 1.165)
4. Lu-An Chen, Tsung-Hua Tsai, Ying-Jui Chang, Lin-Hui Su, Yu-Ling Hsu, Jung-Yi Chan*. Unilateral nevoid telangiectasia—response to long-pulsed Nd:YAG laser and pulsed dye laser: A case report. Dermatologica Sinica 28:44-45, 2010 SCIE
5. Tsung-Hua Tsai, Shiou-Hwa Jee, Jung-Yi Chan, Jin-Ning Lee, Woan-Ruoh Lee, Chen-Yuan Dong, Sung-Jan Lin. Vistualizing laser-skin interaction in vivo by multiphoton microscopy. Journal of Biomedical Optics 14:024034, 2009. (IF 3.084; 3/64 in Optics) SCI
6. Tsung-Hua Tsai, Jin-Ning Lee, Jung-Yi Chan, Jr-Ting Hsu, Hsin-Yuan Tan, Chen-Yuan Dong, Woan-Ruoh Lee, Sung-Jan Lin. Monitoring laser-tissue interaction by non-linear optics. Proceedings of SPIE 6842A: 1-9, 2008 EI
7. Hong JB, Chiu HC, Chan JY, Chen RJ, Lin SJ*. Iatrogenic androgenetic alopecia in woman: A case responding to finasteride. British Journal of Dermatology 156:754-5, 2007.
8. Sung-Jan Lin, Chih-Jung Hsu, Ruei-Jr Wu, Chien-Jui Kuo, Jau-Shiuh Chen, Jung-Yi Chan, Wei-Chou Lin, Shiou-Hwa Jee, Chen-Yuan Dong. Quantitative multiphoton imaging for guiding basal-cell carcinoma removal. Proceedings of SPIE 6424: 642404, 2007.
9. Lin SJ, Lo W, Tan HY, Chan JY, Chen WL, Wang SH, Sun Y, Lin WC, Chen JS, Hsu CJ, Tjiu JW, Yu HS, Jee SH, Dong CY. Prediction of heat-induced collagen shrinkage by use of second harmonic generation microscopy. Journal of Biomedical Optics 11:034020, 2006
10. Lin SJ, Chen JS, Lo W, Sun Y, Chen WL, Chan JY, Tan HY, Lin WC, Hsu CJ, Young TH, Jee SH, Dong CY. Monitoring of collagen shrinkage by use of second harmonic generation microscopy. Proceedings of SPIE 6084: 196-205, 2006.
11. Lin SJ, Jee SH, Chan JY, Wu RJ, Lo W, Tan HY, Lin WC, Chen JS, Young, TH, Hsu CJ, Dong CY. Monitoring photoaging by use of multiphoton fluorescence and second harmonic generation microscopy. Proceedings of SPIE 6078: 8-14, 2006.
12. Che-Hao Hsu , Jung-Yi Chan , Hung-Chi Yang , Shu-Ling Hu. Exophytic Masses on the Scrotum with Multiple Draining Sinuses. Dermatol Sinica 24:78-79,2006.
13. Shiou-Han Wang, Jung-Yi Chan, Chun-Ping Wu, Tsen-Fang Tsai. Facial papulopustules after topical treatment with pimecrolimus. Dermatol Sinica 22 : 359-360, 2004.
14. Jung-Yi Chan, Chia-Yu Chu. Chronic Radiodermatitis Following Percutaneous Coronary Interventions. Dermatol Sinica 22 : 148-152, 2004.
15. Jung-Yi Chan, Chia-Yu Chu. Symmetric Erythema in A Diabetic Patient. Dermatol Sinica 21: 300-301, 2003.
16. Jung-Yi Chan, Chia-Yu Chu, Cheng-Hsiang Hsiao, Jau-Shiuh Chen. Fibroelastolytic patterns of intrinsic skin aging: pseudoxanthoma elasticum-like papillary dermal elastolysis and white fibrous papulosis of the neck. Dermatol Sinica 21: 402-407, 2003.
17. Feng-Jang Wu , Jung-Yi Chan , Chia-Yu Chu , Pei-Lin Chung. Eruption of Lymphocyte Recovery. Dermatol Sinica 21: 384-388, 2003.
1. Jung-Yi Chan, Assaf Monselise, Abdullah Alkhalifah, Nina Otberg, Isabel Restrepo, Kevin McElwee, Jerry Shapiro. Effect of finasteride on female pattern hair loss. The 22nd World Congress of Dermatology, Seoul, Korea, May 25-29, 2011 (Oral Presentation)
2. Jung-Yi Chan, Assaf Monselise, Abdullah Alkhalifah, Nina Otberg, Isabel Restrepo, Kevin McElwee, Jerry Shapiro. Effect of finasteride on female pattern hair loss. The 36th Annual Meeting of Taiwanese Dermatological Association, Taipei, Taiwan, Nov 20-21, 2010
3. Jung-Yi Chan, Assaf Monselise, Abdullah Alkhalifah, Nina Otberg, Isabel Restrepo, Kevin McElwee, Jerry Shapiro. Effect of finasteride on female pattern hair loss. The 6th World Congress of Hair Research, Cairns, Australia, June 16-19, 2010.
4. Tsung-Hua Tsai, Jung-Yi Chan, Jin-Ning Lee, Chih-Chieh Chan, Chen-Yuan Dong, Shiou-Hwa Jee, Woan-Ruoh Lee, Sung-Jan Lin. Monitoring tissue reaction of radiofrequency-assisted skin tightening in vivo with Multiphoton microscopy. The 4th Annual Meeting of Taiwanese Society for Investigative Dermatology, Changhua, Taiwan, May 24, 2009. (Oral Presentation)
5. Tsung-Hua Tsai, Jung-Yi Chan, Woan-Ruoh Lee, Sung-Jan Lin. Non-linear optics for monitoring tissue reaction of radiofrequency-assisted skin tightening in vivo. The 64th Annual Meeting of American Academy of Dermatology, San Franscisco, California, Mar 6-10, 2009.
6. Jung-Yi Chan, Tsung-Hua Tsai. The use of multiphoton microscopy in monitoring laser-skin interaction in vivo. The 67th annual Meeting of American Academy of Dermatology, San Francisco, United States, March 3-10, 2009.
7. Tsung-Hua Tsai, Jung-Yi Chan, Chen-Yuan Dong, Shiou-Hwa Jee, Woan-Ruoh Lee, Sung-Jan Lin. Non-linear optics for monitoring laser-tissue interaction in vivo. International Symposium on Biomedical Engineering, Linkou, Taiwan, Dec 12-13, 2008. (Oral Presentation)
8. Tsung-Hua Tsai, Jung-Yi Chan, Jin-Ning Lee, Chih-Chieh Chan, Chen-Yuan Dong, Shiou-Hwa Jee, Woan-Ruoh Lee, Sung-Jan Lin. Multiphoton microscopy for monitoring laser-skin reaction in vivo. The 34th Annual Meeting of Taiwanese Dermatological Association, Linkou, Taiwan, Nov 22-23, 2008. (Oral Presentation)
9. Tsung-Hua Tsai, Jung-Yi, Chan, Jin-Ning Lee, Chen-Yuan Dong, Woan-Ruoh Lee, Shiou-Hwa Jee, Sung-Jan Lin. Multiphoton microscopy in the application of dermatological imaging. The 4th China Dermatologist Association Annual Meeting, Beijing, China, Nov 12-15, 2008. (Oral Presentation)
10. Tsung-Hua Tsai, Jin-Ning Lee, Jung-Yi Chan, Chih-Chieh Chan, Chen-Yuan Dong, Woan-Ruoh Lee, Shiou-Hwa Jee, Sung-Jan Lin. Non-linear optics for monitoring laser-tissue reaction in vivo. The 5th Annual Meeting of International Investigative Dermatology, Kyoto, Japan, May 14-17, 2008.
11. Tsung-Hua Tsai, Jin-Ning Lee, Jung-Yi Chan, Jr-Ting Hsu, Hsin-Yuan Tan, Chen-Yuan Dong, Woan-Ruoh Lee, Sung-Jan Lin. Monitoring laser-tissue interaction by non-linear optics. SPIE International Symposium BiOS 2008, Biomedical Optics, San Jose, California, January 21-24, 2006. (Oral Presentation)
12. Lee CY, Tu HJ, Chan JY, Hsu CJ, Chiu HC, Young TH, Lin SJ. Large-Scale Production of Dermal Papilla Microtissues Via Facilitated Self-Assembling: Implications For Hair Follicle Engineering and Dermal Papilla Physiology. 5th International Congress of Hair Research, Vancouver, Canada, June 13-16, 2007.
13. Young TH, Lee CY, Chiu HC, Hsu CJ, Chan JY, Lin SJ. Microtissue culture of dermal papilla cells by use of controlled biomaterial surface. The 68th SID Annual Meeting of the Society for Investigative Dermatology, Los Angeles, California, United States, May 9-12, 2007.
14. Lee CY, Chan JY, Hsu CJ, Chiu HC, Young TH, Lin SJ. Self-assembly of dermal papilla cells into 3-dimenstional microtissues on poly(ethylene-co-vinyl-alsohol) membrane. 2007 Annual Meeting of Formosa Association of Regenerative Medicine, Taipei, Taiwan, March 3, 2007. (oral presentation)
15. Lin SJ, Chan JY, Wu RJ, Lo W, Tan HY, Lin WC, Hsu CJ, Chen JS, Young, TH, Jee SH, Dong CY. Monitoring of collagen shrinkage by use of second harmonic generation microscopy. SPIE International Symposium BiOS 2006, Biomedical Optics, San Jose, California, January 21-26, 2006. (Oral Presentation)
16. Lin SJ, Chan JY, Wu RJ, Lo W, Tan HY, Lin WC, Hsu CJ, Chen JS, Young, TH, Jee SH, Dong CY. Monitoring photoaging by use of multiphoton fluorescence and second harmonic generation Microscopy. SPIE International Symposium BiOS 2006, Biomedical Optics, San Jose, California, January 21-26, 2006. (Oral presentation)